Jonathan Rosen, MD, is the author of 6 novels.  He is a Family Physician who has practiced full-on, in-the-trenches, family medicine for the past thirty-nine years in Connecticut. 


A future too possible in a world too impossible to imagine.

Adolf Hitler’s Germany has won the war, conquering the world. He has succeeded in eliminating any vestige of Jews and Judaism. 70 years later his successors realize Hitler’s desire for a museum to memorialize that extermination. Jonathan Rosen’s novel, told through the eyes of its two protagonists—Dano Adamik, a Czech native coerced into curating the museum and Eva Novak, a museum docent with Jewish heritage—unveils a beaten, subjugated society, dominated by a self-proclaimed, super race.

Through emotionally charged scenes of an all-too-real, anti-civilization, the novel plunges us into into a world absent of Jews, yes, but moreso a planet bereft of the ethical guidance of Judaism.

Read the opening chapter


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